Rattle: Installation on Macintosh OS X (Leopard and Lion)

MacOS Install Use MacPorts for a MacOS install.

Install Guide

The definitive guide to installing rattle on the Mac as of June 2018 comes via Zhiya Zuo where Yihui Xie (RStudio) noted that he has pre-built the binaries of RGtk2 and cairoDevice so that we can easily install rattle. Thanks to Yihui. Note that https://macos.rbind.org has disappeared and has probably been replaced by https://macos.rbind.io.

On Mac:

Discussion suggests the docker image is a good option for the Mac. It is reported that RGtk2 won't install on M1. Or else:

> install.packages("https://access.togaware.com/RGtk2_2.20.36.2.tgz", repos=NULL, type="binary")

Asara Senaratne tested the following steps 2020-08-03:

Eric Lin provided the following steps 2020-03-03. If asked to install by source say yes. If at any time during the process you are prompted for dependencies to be installed press yes. If you had a failed installation previously run brew doctor first to clear potential problems. If there is a recommendation for a cleanup run brew cleanup

For trouble shooting see the Rattle Install Trouble Shooting.

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